About Me

shumway headshotI am a community college professor who teaches writing and speech, but whose real passion is Victorian literature. Occasionally I’m allowed to teach British literature survey courses, and, when I’ve been very good, esoteric (read: “useless”) courses such as female insanity in literature and the films of Alfred Hitchcock. I studied Victorian literature at The University of Texas at Austin, and I have recently recycled a good deal of the scholarly information I acquired for my dissertation (Imagining Female Madness in the Structure of the Novel) into a novel about a young woman in Victorian England who is sent to an insane asylum (called Effie Marten, and available at https://read.amazon.com/kp/card?asin=B00BNPTTG2&asin=B00BNPTTG2&preview=inline&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_oqTAxbKF4WAC9).

I live in remote Northern Michigan, where the words “winter is coming” really mean something. If I haven’t updated my blog recently, it’s because it’s not winter yet and I’m either fishing, dabbling in politics, gardening, playing my clarinet, or reading one of my favorite authors.

But, hopefully, I am writing.

5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Loved your post Confessions of an Amateur Musician – I would love to share it via twitter with dlp members. I hope that’s ok! Cheers from Dallas.


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